Introducing Planetary Tantra – John Lamb Lash,


What is Planetary Tantra? Rapturous immersion through desire and imagination in the dreaming power of the earth. It is the most intimate way of bonding with the planetary animal mother, Gaia.

Planetary Tantra is a single-impulse continuum: the origin, path, and goal are one. The main requirement for entering this experiment is a profound love of pleasure. Love as such does not determine the course of experience in Gaian Tantricism, but the love of pleasure reveals and engenders the many pleasures of love. This impulse is hedonic and voluptuary, extravagant in moods and desires. The body is its instrument, the setting for it is the energetic field of the living earth.

The love for pleasure is a cosmic impulse so vast and consuming that it would wreak havoc if not balanced by another impulse, the love of handling power. Not the love of power, but of handling it. Tantra is a way of handling power, especially the power of attraction, mood, mania, inspiration, including any emotion, positive or negative. Power in Tantric terms has nothing to do with authority, or exercising control over others, or similar forms of patriarchal domination. Gaian Tantra is the antidote to the male control disease that infects humanity at the close of Kali Yuga. If the genuine love of pleasure guides human morals, the sick pleasure of wielding power over others cannot prevail.

In Hindu traditions of goddess mysticism, the practice of handling power was called Shaktism, after shakti, “power, pure energy, dynamism.” Shakti is understood to be exclusively the power of the Divine Feminine, “the Goddess.” So, Tantra is the practice of handling goddess power. To be precise, it is the playful, experimental dynamic of power-sharing with the goddess whose body is the earth. It is not a power-trip for anyone alone, acting on selfish motives, or the wish to control, or grandiosity.

Bonding with Gaia relies on desire and imagination, faculties the earth goddess implants in human creatures as a divine birthright. Turn those faculties toward Gaia, the source, and you bond with her at the source. Desire and imagination as you experience them right now are direct, immanent extensions of the dreaming power of the planetary mother animal, not faculties confined to you alone. They are two-way energetic tendrils of her life-field vibrating in the human psyche and body.

The human animal is wired to Gaia, literally and spiritually.

Planetary Tantra explores the bioelectromagnetic features of desire in the planetary field, and the reflex of human visionary power in the physical atmosphere. And it explores these dimensions of geophysical reality in exquisite detail, with intimate involvement. This tantra is high ritual enjoyment of human pleasures grounded in the planetary organism. “The practices of the devotees of Earth Goddess are a pleasure to perform” (Mahanirvana Tantra, 12 C. CE). Desire rather than love directs the rituals of Gaian Tantra, Planetary Tantra.

Imagination is the dreaming power of Gaia but does not appear to be so until it actually aligns you to her. Alignment comes through knowing and loving her story, the myth of her life including her self-designated identity. The Terma of Gaia Awakening is a pact for interacting with divine imagination. Planetary Tantra is the elaboration of that pact into manifold expressions of beauty, wonder, and transmutation.

DELIVERY: It is next to impossible to transmit Planetary Tantra by exposition and discourse. Transmission happens through direct contact via a spark of delight leaping from one Gaian tantrika to another. This divine experiment is not progressive: it runs in jolts. Rapture and recognition are the weave, the double-stranded Eros of the planetary animal mother. But lacking the opportunity for such contact, the privilege to stand together in that weave, that wave of incomparable bliss, I am venturing to introduce Planetary Tantra in written words on this site.

First Instruction of the Diamond Sky Dakinis of Gaia-Sophia:
“You cannot become anything but more beautiful.”

Tantra Tour (Site Guide)
Foundations: Orientation Essays

First and foremost, Planetary Tantra is a path of interactive magic with Gaia-Sophia, an intimate way to engage the supernatural powers of the Divine Feminine in every aspect of life, love, and destiny.

Nemeta: Sophianic School of Arts and Sciences