John Lamb Lash – Feb 8, 2021 – (transcribed audio talk)

Not In His Image: Gnostic Origins, Sacred Ecology, and the Death of Religion

New 15th Anniversary Edition (coming in August 2021)

Salutations to the Truth Corps, whoever and wherever you may be on the planet. This is once again, yours truthfully, John Lamb Lash, with some news about the forthcoming edition of my book, Not In His Image. I’m grateful to my publisher, Chelsea Green Publishing in the USA, for offering to bring out a new edition with some revisions, for the 15th anniversary of the release of the book, which originally appeared in November of 2006.

In preparation for the new release, I spent about five weeks, most of the month of January, in making some revisions. What you’ll see in the new edition due to come out in the summer, say in August, is the same book that it was before, but certain passages in the book will be worded a little differently. I changed the language, but I did not change the argument or the topic I was discussing. And you will find that there are two or three chapters, which I did rework rather extensively. It was quite a challenge to revise this book, without changing the essential impact of the book or in any way altering what I would call the trajectory of the message. So the message is the same. But I have added a little bit of new content. And I have carefully and discreetly introduced some things that I didn’t know 15 years ago, when the book originally appeared.

So let’s see if I can give you an overview of what the book will look like in its coming version. As I get into it, and lest I forget, I want to emphasize that some issues of the original version, with small revisions I made in 2013, are still available. I’m calling that the “Legacy Edition” of Not In His Image. And I’m pretty sure that it will become a collector’s item in the future. I’ve heard many people say that they need to read, Not In His Image more than once. And that is certainly the case.

If you were to order one of the remaining copies and read it, and then read the revision, you would benefit from a double impact of the book. You would be able to see how I presented my case 15 years ago, and how I present it today. I would strongly advise that. I’m putting a link to the publisher in the description. I advise you to order it from them directly if you’re in the United States. And I want to emphasize a point, which I’ll come to at the end of this talk, regarding my assertion that the Fallen Goddess Scenario is a myth in progress. And so by having both versions, you can see how that myth has progressed and evolved, and continues to do so as I speak.

What is it about Not In His Image that makes it something unique? What is it that reaches people? I can’t tell you how many people who have written me over the years, as well as people I’ve met, who’ve told me that this book, more than any other they’ve ever read, has transformed their lives. It all goes back to my intention which was namely to argue or present the case against something, as well as to present the case for something. So you can roughly divide the book into those two parts. The first half or third, in particular, is the case against something. What is that? Well, it’s against religion, and in particular, the Abrahamic religions, Judaism, and Christianity, and by implication, Islam.

Bear in mind that the Gnostics who came out of the Mystery Schools and publicly argued, which was not their style, not their habit to do, publicly argued with the ideologues of Christianity in those early centuries, presented a critique of the salvationist ideology, which is the root of all of those three religions. And there is nothing in the world that compares to the Gnostic critique against that belief system. So, as I explained in the original forward or introduction, which is preserved in the new edition, it was the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, whom I discovered at the age of 15, who inspired me to this attack, really, on Christianity.

The argument I present in the first third of the book is, in my view, a continuation of how the Gnostics would have argued themselves. It’s a continuation of their case, which they were not able to fulfill due to the fact that when they came out with their heretical views, they were violently opposed. And the Gnostic teachers of the Mystery Schools, the schools themselves, the great network of the Mysteries through Europe and the Mediterranean basin, and the Near East, became the target of Christian ideologues and other fanatics. And the Gnostics were basically wiped out in that battle. They had to escape when they could, and they escaped to the Western countries, to the Isles of England, to Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. And I don’t tell that story, which I call the Diaspora of the Mysteries, but it is inherent, the story is implied in the narrative that I present.

What I show, basically, is that Abrahamic religion contained within itself a certain germ of evil and deception. And it was a particular cult among the ancient Hebrews that epitomized this program, which is an anti-human program. That cult was the Zaddikim. It’s from the Hebrew word Zaddik, which means the righteous, the ultra-righteous ones, those who are holier than thou. In picking up from what I found in the Gnostic teachings, in their fragmentary and incoherent remains, I developed the case about the Zaddikim, this particular sect. And I described with many references to historical and textual evidence, how this sect developed and what it represented, and what it represents today, how it actually operates in the world today.

The Gnostics claimed that there was an alien extraterrestrial influence behind the cult of the Zaddikim, the Archons. This is a word unique in the Gnostic materials. And I’m proud to say that I was the individual who actually introduced that term to the internet. If you search Archon today, you’ll find a tremendous amount of material. But I am still uniquely the only scholar who has profiled the Archons strictly within the framework of the Gnostic Intel about them. And that fact holds true and holds up stronger today than it was even 15 years ago.

The Greek word “Archon” in its use at the time in the Koine, which was the vernacular form of the Greek language used in the ancient world, translates literally as “ruler” or “authority.” But with the Gnostic Intel, it has a specific spin. The Gnostic argument against Christianity was basically an argument against ALL authorities. And it was a warning against the deceit and the evil intent of those who entitled themselves to be authorities, which in effect means simply to tell other people how they must live.

In the world today, in the 21st year, 22nd, really, of the 21st century, the authorities appear in many forms upon this planet. Ultimately, the core group of the authorities today can be identified as technocrats and transhumanists, for instance, those who are promoting and enforcing the so-called “Great Reset.” And so the Gnostic argument against the authorities stands up today as an imperative tactic to confront the authorities who tell you that you must live in the world that is created in their image, and you cannot live according to your own needs and desires as an individual human person.

Now, about the Archons and the profile of those entities in Gnostic literature. Well, I’m sure I’ve written more about that than anyone else in the world, and spoken about it for hours and hours, and you can find these talks on the internet. Basically, what they said was that there is an alien species inhabiting the solar system. And they describe the species according to two types: the embryonic type, resembling a prematurely born fetus with thin spindly limbs, big head and big eyes, and a drakon or reptilian type. And the reptilian is the Overlord of the other type of Archons, who of course can be identified with the legend of the grey ETs. Furthermore, what the Gnostics claimed, and I call this the Gnostic warning, it’s written very clear in the preserved materials, is that this alien species who cannot in fact inhabit the earth, they cannot in fact literally invade the earth, used their powers, which are telepathic powers, also the capacity for remote viewing, and the capacity for simulation, that is the ability to create fakes and imitations of things. They use their powers to attack humanity. And they succeeded at a certain historical moment by actually hacking into the neurological circuits of a particular ethnic group.

The Zaddikim cult arose due to this intervention, which I call the alien intrusion of the Archons. As a consequence of this event, which was an actual physical event, the Archontic mindset began to operate among human beings, and over many centuries it grew in its spread. At first it was confined to the Zaddikim themselves, but eventually it went pandemic in Christianity. So the Christian faith, I argue, consistent with the Gnostics, is the consequence of an alien implant in the human mind. This is the Gnostic warning.

I would advise, by the way, that when you consider the narrative about the Archons that comes from the Mystery School teachers, don’t dwell too much on the issue of their existence as an extraterrestrial species. I do maintain this is the case. I do maintain they are an android-type, locust-type, insect species. But more importantly, the Gnostic Intel directs you to the presence of that alien mindset in human beings; in particular, those who were the proxies of the Archontic infection, as I have come to call it, but also all of those who fall under the spell of the alien mindset. This is Intel that you only find coming from the ancient evidence, such as it is, of what was taught in the Mysteries that were directed by the Gnostics of centuries ago.

Now in Chapter 10, “The Fallen Goddess,” about a third of the way through the book I introduce my restoration of the narrative of the Aeon Sophia, as she’s called. “Aeon” being a Greek term, roughly equivalent to a god, a divinity, a deity. The central figure in the Fallen Goddess Scenario, or the Sophianic Myth, is a goddess, Sophia, who actually comes from the galactic center. So the Gnostic myth is an astronomical myth that describes things that actually happened in this galaxy we inhabit prior to the appearance of the earth, and the appearance of humanity on the earth. This again, is a unique gift coming from the Gnostics, and there is no other myth in the world coming from any land, or culture, or period that contains this narrative, the complete cosmic biography of the Earth itself.

Once again, if you search on the internet for “Fallen Goddess Scenario,” I am the only reference that will come up. So I am a distant heir to the Gnostic wisdom, which is unique and outstanding in the world. And all of those who come to know this myth, are beneficiaries of that gift, that treasure which I consider to be the birthright of all races of the human species.

I present in chapter 10 a synopsis of the Nine Episodes of the Fallen Goddess Scenario, or FGS, as I call it. There’s also a link in the description to a four-minute video introducing you to the FGS. And through that platform, you can subscribe and receive every three or four days, one of these episodes in the current expanded version. So what you find in Not In His Image previously, is what I call the Legacy version of the Sophianic narrative. I’ve changed the narrative somewhat for the revision, but not a lot.

Believe me, I could have modified it quite extensively considering how the myth has developed over the last 15 years. But I chose not to do that. So by reading and comparing the two versions, you can see how I presented the myth at that time, and how I am presenting it today. It’s the same myth. It has the same message. And it’s even more relevant today than it was 15 years ago.

Now, as regards to the case I make in the book for something, I don’t just oppose something, but I present the solution to what I oppose. And the solution is what I now call “The Living Gnosis Today.” I’ve pointed out many times, that the Gnostic way of life today which is based on this master narrative of the Goddess, the earth Goddess Sophia, is not an alternative religion. It is an alternative to ALL religions. It is a way to live in coevolution with the living intelligence of the earth, the planetary animal mother. She is alive, she is sentient, she has emotions, she can communicate with human animals. And to be engaged with her is the practice of Gnosis Today. So Gnosticism and Gnostic religion, as scholars call it, is dead and gone. I am not a Gnostic revivalist. In fact, the method and practice of Gnosis as I teach it today is a complete novelty, and an innovation.

How dare I? How dare I really do any such thing as to take an ancient myth and bring it forward so that it becomes a living experiment that you can test and prove in your own life? How dare I do that? Well, I take my cue from the Gnostics themselves. In the ancient text, you find the Greek word, monogenes, translated by scholars of religion as “only begotten,” as in “the only begotten Son of God, the divine Savior, Jesus Christ.” But I translate monogenes, as “singularity.” And I elaborate the Gnostic argument by showing that the human species is itself a singularity in the universe. And every single one of you, whatever your race may be, is a member of that anthropine species, which is the source of all races, and you yourself are a singularity. You realize what it means to be a singularity, to translate it in common language, to be a free and sovereign individual. However, your behavior as a free and sovereign individual is guided by the sacred narrative of the planetary animal mother who gives you life.

So in the second half of the book, I develop those themes and those opportunities quite extensively, and even more so in the revision. I doubled down strongly in the second part of the argument for a way of life based upon that supreme and unique birthright, “The Story To Guide The Species.” That being so, those of you who have read the first edition, will find that there are a couple of chapters in the 2021 revision that I have reworked. And one of them for instance, is the chapter now called “The Coming Of The Symbiont.” So I have renamed that chapter. And I have also renamed a chapter which was previously called “Divine Imagination” as “Sophia’s Correction.”

It is particularly in those chapters, and also to some extent in “Sacred Ecology,” these are all chapters in the last fourth of the book, that you will find that I have ventured to modify the original message, though not change it, to incorporate some of what I have learned with others, untold numbers of others around the planet, thousands and thousands of others, over the last 15 years.

“Sophia’s Correction,” which is translation of the Greek diorthosis, is an enigmatic clue left in the Gnostic writings. Whether or not they had a concept or a description of how Sophia’s correction would happen, I don’t know. Maybe they did, and maybe those materials were destroyed. I can consider it to be quite plausible. The fact is that as a Gnostic scholar, I faced the issue, the challenge, to work out what Sophia’s correction is. And 15 years ago, in 2006 or even earlier in 2004 and 2005 when I was writing Not In His Image, I didn’t know what I know today about that concept. And I have been through the years extremely cautious, and scrupulous you could say, about advancing ideas about the meaning of Sophia’s correction.

But something happened in March of 2011. And at that time, I undertook a project I called the “Gaian Navigation Experiment,” which can now be found on, with the purpose of describing at length, and in meticulous detail, and in a grand perspective, exactly how Sophia’s correction is underway. And today, people around the world know about Sophia’s correction, and they are deeply involved in it. I never could see that coming. I couldn’t have predicted 15 years ago that that would be the case. But it is a very great fact that it is the case. So I have seen in my lifetime the fulfillment, the actualization, of something that was hinted in the original Gnostic writings.

Now, one of the biggest challenges I faced in revision was how to restrain myself basically, and not incorporate into the original text, a lot of what I have learned about that precise topic, Sophia’s correction. Nevertheless, given the crime against humanity that is currently underway, and I emphasize that it is a crime in progress and by no means a fait accompli, it is not a crime that has succeeded. But given the fact that crime is in the face of just about everyone on the planet, if not to say “on the face,” then I felt compelled and responsible, obviously, for addressing the current assault on humanity that we are facing. So I do refer to the COVID-19 event, and the Great Reset, but very lightly. But the illusions that I make are so obvious that I myself was stunned by them.

As a matter of fact, people have written me recently referring me back to talks that I gave about Not In His Image, and interviews that I presented on the internet, not to mention the volumes and volumes of what I’ve written over the last 15 years, in which I said things that were exactly pertinent to the great threat facing the races of the world today, due to the proxies of the Archons, mainly the technocrats, the transhumanists, and those who are behind the Great Reset.

I’ll just give you one example which is so outstanding. I could not make this talk without mentioning it. You find in the Gnostic narrative, a most unusual trope or image. There is no place else, I guarantee you, in the entire spectrum of world mythology, where you find anything like this. They use the image of an aborted fetus. The Coptic word is houhe, strange word. But it is very clear in the cosmological narrative of the FGS that the Gnostics conceived and imagined something bizarre, alien and dangerous that they described as an aborted fetus. Well, it so happens that the medical insert in one of the vaccines, one of the MRA vaccines that’s available today, the insert that must be legally or lawfully supplied by the manufacturer, says that the so-called vaccine contains material from the aborted fetus of a 16-month-old Caucasian male. So the Gnostics warned us centuries ago about the aborted fetus. And here we are in 2021, looking at a world where the enemies of life and the murderous psychopaths behind the Great Reset are imposing a vaccination that contains material from an aborted fetus. I rest my case for the authenticity, power and exactitude of the Gnostic warning!

I could say, of course, a lot more, but I’ll conclude, now, with just a couple of other remarks. The first one concerns Joseph Campbell, who was a comparative mythologist who died in 1986. I consider him to be one of my forerunners. Now, Joseph Campbell proposed in Creative Mythology a program for creative mythology. But as I’ve often pointed out, Campbell himself did not actually implement that program. He provided a kind of theoretical framework. What I have done is carry forward, in my writings and talks, that theory, and I have turned it into a practice. So I emphasize that the Fallen Goddess Scenario of the Gnostics, which I recovered and restored, is the implementation and the proof of Campbell’s theory.

For instance, the version of the Fallen Goddess Scenario that you see in the Legacy Edition has been extrapolated, developed, expanded and carried forward through other iterations. And I can tell you, to my great pride and delight, that the first iteration from that Legacy version, FGS 1.0, went out to the world in August of 2020. There’s a link in the description to, where you can actually subscribe to those nine episodes. And if you do, so, you will see that they present a tremendous enrichment and expansion of the Legacy version, FGS 1.0. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? Maybe that attracts you.

But let me tell you this, currently, through Nemeta, through the student-teachers on Nemeta and a network of people in the thousands around the world, I’m developing FGS 7.7! There are seven iterations coming forward from that initial version. It goes to show that Joseph Campbell was right in laying down the framework for creative mythology. The Sacred Narrative of the Aeon Sophia, the only full and coherent biography of the Living Earth, which describes the origin of the Earth itself, of the human species, and the origin of the Archontic alien predators has now actually reached that stage!

So my final message is that Not In His Image is the foundation stone for something that is happening in the world today, the practice of the Living Gnosis today. And any free and sovereign individual can engage in that practice. There’s no dogma, no institution, no hierarchy. It’s a one-person-at-a-time event that is growing and building. Sophia’s correction is real. It’s happening today. And I’m proud to say and grateful that the 15th Anniversary Edition of my book will stand as the foundation for another way of life ahead, a way of life that has to be found to end this hideous crime against humanity. It’s not the only foundation, but it is the foundation with the deepest roots. So by reading this book, and taking its truth into your life, you stand on that foundation. And from there, do your part to imagine and construct what I like to call, “The Beauty to Come!”

To order: Chelsea Green Publishing Sophianic School of Arts and Sciences

The Sophianic Myth

Note: The header image thumbnail above shows a draft of a proposed new cover for the 15th Anniversary edition of Not in His Image. It is not the final version.